SAVE THE DATE: June 13-14, 2024

In 2024 ICAReAlumni International Conference will travel to Prague to be hosted by the Czech Technical University in Prague!

Share with us your experiences or research on Alumni and Career Development. We want to hear and learn from you. 
The aim of the ICARe presentation sessions is to allow delegates to actively participate by sharing knowledge, practices, projects or studies.


January 31, 2024 - Submission deadline for presentation abstracts
February 23, 2024 - Notification of presentation acceptance
February 29, 2024 - Last day for early bird ticket
April 14, 2024 - Full paper submission deadline (optional)

ICAReAlumni gathers worldwide practitioners and researchers focused on Career and Alumni!

Together, ICARe members make dreams come true!

More info @ ICAREAlumni Conference