Conference “Cultural Agency in the Spanish Translator of the Novels of José Saramago”, Laura Tallone (CEI – ISCAP) | 20 May 2016

20 May 2016 | 15.00 | ISCAP


The fourteen novels written by José Saramago from 1980 (Levantado do Chão) and 2009 (Caim) were translated into Spanish by two translators – Basilio Losada and Pilar del Rio, who translated seven novels each. More than translators, however, both are true cultural agents or transmitters, who have played different roles within the Spanish literary scene, namely that of critic, essayist and scholar, in Losada’s case, and, in del Rio’s, that of PR and press agent while the writer was alive, and currently curator of Saramago’s legacy. Both these agents’ cultural projects will be described, while commenting on the role played by translation. Some examples will show if and how those different projects find their way into the translated texts.


Licenciada em Filologia e licenciada em Tradução Literária e Técnico-Científica. Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas. Título de Especialista em Tradução, conferido pelo IPP. Investigadora do CEI e do CICE (ISCAP) e do GAELT (Universidade de Vigo). Docente de língua espanhola e de tradução no ISCAP. Tradutora e intérprete simultânea. Traduções publicadas desde 1990 (Editorial Sudamericana de Buenos Aires, Fundação de Serralves, Faculdade de Medicina do Porto, Ed. Global Notícias, etc.).
