“As Ruas Também São Nossas”- Guided tour of the StreetArtCEI Routes

The Streets Are Also Ours – Guided Tours to the routes of the StreetArtCEI project
Day: October 2nd, 2021 Time: 3:00 PM

The guided tour to the routes of the project StreetArtCEI proposes to show some of the urban art of Porto, the recent history of this artistic practice and the identity and multigenerational relationship it has with the city.

This guided tour is part of the European Heritage Days 2021 that will take place between September 24 and October 3, and this year, are linked to the theme Inclusive and Diverse Heritage (#patrimonioenosso).

For more information visit:

http:// http://w3.patrimoniocultural.pt/jep2021/digital/

(search for events in the district of Porto)

Paid / Free: Free of charge

Registration: Registration required

Registration Contacts: cei@iscap.ipp.pt

Audience: General public

Contacts for information: cei@iscap.ipp.pt

The Público newspaper highlights CEI’s event in the context of the European Heritage Days 2021 – “As Ruas Também São Nossas”.

“And because The Streets Are Also Ours, the Center for Intercultural Studies is organizing a walk to showcase the city through the urban art inscribed on the streets. The event is scheduled for 3pm on October 2, at Campo 24 Agosto – registration should be made by emailing cei@iscap.ipp.pt.”

(“E porque As Ruas Também São Nossas, o Centro de Estudos Interculturais organiza um percurso para dar a conhecer a cidade através da arte urbana inscrita nas suas artérias. O encontro está marcado para as 15h de 2 de Outubro, no Campo 24 Agosto – assim seja feita a inscrição pelo e-mail cei@iscap.ipp.pt.”)

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Visit the image gallery at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=centrodeestudosinterculturais&set=a.1895064563988164

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