COST Action 18126 launches printed versions of “Other Destinations” and “Writing Urban Places”

COST Action 18126 Writing Urban Places has just launched the printed book version of the publications “Other Destinations: Translating the mid-sized European City” and “Writing Urban Places. New Narratives for the European City”.

The volume “Other Destinations: Translating the mid-sized European City” contains the literary translation of “A cidade das livrarias mortas/The City of Lifeless Bookshops”, by Francisco Duarte Mangas, by CEI researchers Sandra Ribeiro, Luísa Benvinda Álvares and Clara Sarmento.

The special edition “Writing Urban Places: New Narratives on the European City” is a collection that presents an account of the dynamics of this academic network made up of more than 175 researchers from 35 European countries, with a wide variety of disciplinary backgrounds. This edition features a contribution from the Centre for Intercultural Studies “The StreetArtCEI project in Campanhã”, in the section “Porto – Campanhã. Stories from the City’s Edge”.

The volumes are available in open access on the COST Action website ( and and now also in print, from nai010 Publishers in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

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