Jorge Malheiros

Researcher of the Centre for Geographical Studies and associate professor in the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon. For the past 20 years, his research interests have focused in the domains of migrants integration and demography and also in international migration and urban social features, namely the issues of spatial segregation, housing access, urban dynamics and transnational practices. Has published some articles, book chapters and books (as author or editor) in Portugal and abroad addressing topics such as neighbourhood relations of immigrants and autochthones, socio-spatial integration of immigration in the destination metropolises, contemporary Brazilian immigration and women’s immigrants entrepreneurial initiatives.
Has participated and coordinated several projects on social and economic integration of immigrants in Portuguese and Southern European cities and has worked as consultant and facilitator for the EU EQUAL programme (Portugal) and the Portuguese High-Commissariat for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue (ACIDI). From 2002 is the Portuguese correspondent in SOPEMI (Systéme de Observation Permanente des Migrations Internationales – OCDE).
Ex-president of the Portuguese Geographers Association (2002-2004). Vice-president of the Portuguese Association of Demography (2013-present), member of the directive board of Centre for Geographical Studies.