May 7, 2024


Leo, intern programmer at the Centre for Intercultural Studies

Leonardo is finishing a professional computer technician course at Escola Secundária João Gonçalves Zarco. He came to CEI from Matosinhos to develop a new website for the StreetArtCEI project. Very strategic and calm, Leo has opened up his programming horizons, demonstrating creativity and adaptability.
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Rafaela, Intern at the Centre for Intercultural Studies in the Editorial Team of E-REI nº12

Rafaela, from Paços de Ferreira, with a good disposition and a sense of humour, is about to finish her degree in Translation and Business Advisory at ISCAP and intends to continue her career as a translator. At CEI, she demonstrates rigour in her method and organisation, with the translation of documents relating to scientific projects...
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