May 16, 2024


Release of E-REI, E- Journal of Intercultural Studies, no. 12, 2024.

The Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) announces the publication of issue 12 of E-REI, E- journal of Intercultural Studies, indexed in Scopus, in its 2024 edition, multilingual and in open access, accessible here. In this issue we have 27 articles, reviews, essays by students of the Master’s in Intercultural Studies for Business at ISCAP-P.PORTO and...
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CEI researchers organise “ENDING” training at Rodrigues de Freitas Secondary School

Facebook Gallery As part of the dissemination of resources and results from the Erasmus+ KA201 project “ENDING – ICT & Early School Leaving. Developing a New Methodology to Empower Children in Digital WellbeIng and Critical ThiNkinG” (2020-1-ES01-KA201-082232), CEI – Centre for Intercultural Studies researchers Isabelle Tulekian and Luísa Bravo Lamas designed and carried out a...
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