June 18, 2024


CEI Researchers at the 60th International Art Bienale in Venice

Ana Margarida Silva and Inês Pires, researchers at CEI – Centre for Intercultural Studies, attended the 60th Venice International Art Biennale on 14 and 15 June 2024. During the Biennale, Ana Margarida Silva took part in the Art & Science Lab for Young Creatives and Early Career Researchers, as part of a participation grant funded...
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ISCAP-P.PORTO and Master’s in Intercultural Studies for Business featured on the new website of the Université d’Artois

The new website for the Master’s in Languages and International Management at the Université d’Artois, in Arras, France, has highlighted its long-standing partnership with ISCAP-P.PORTO, through the Double Diploma that exists between this course and ISCAP-P.PORTO’s Master’s in Intercultural Studies for Business. The website emphasises the relevance of international experiences for the training of its...
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