

Workshop, Masters degree in Specialized Translation and Interpreting: “Translating Economic Texts English>Spanish>Portuguese: A practical Approach”, Rebeca Cristina López González (Universidade de Vigo, Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución) | 18 October 2017

18 October 2017 | 18.30 | Lab. 3, ISCAP-P.PORTO “Translating Economic Texts English>Spanish>Portuguese: A practical Approach” Rebeca Cristina López González (Universidade de Vigo, Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución)
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Specialized Seminar “Street Art: Routes of tourism and city revival” | 16 – 21 October 2017

SPECIALIZED SEMINAR“Street Art: Routes of tourism and city revival”Porto & ISCAP, 16 – 21 October 2017 Coord. CEI – ISCAP/P.PORTO, CICS.Nova-FCSH e Rede Luso-Brasileira de Pesquisa em Artes e Intervenções Urbanas (R.A.I.U) PROGRAMA Workshop conceptual:16 de Outubro de 2017 | 14.30 | Sala de Leitura Informal do ISCAP-P.PORTO Trabalho de terreno:17 a 21 de Outubro...
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Conference “Tourism and River, Lagoon & Sea Cultures”, CEI & IELT – FCSH, Nova Lisbon University | 14 June 2017

CONFERENCE“Tourism and River, Lagoon & Sea Cultures” “Turismos e Culturas de Rio, Ria e Mar”Coord. CEI – ISCAP/P.PORTO e IELT – FCSH/UNLisboa 14 June 2017 | 10.30 -18.00 | ISCAP Program | Gallery Programa 10.30 – Abertura dos trabalhos e apresentação do livro Viagens Intemporais pelo Saber: Mapas, redes e histórias (Coord. Catarina Monteiro, Clara Sarmento...
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Conference “The Intercultural Mediator as Safeguard of Migrants’ Human Rights”, Isabelle Tulekian (CEI – ISCAP) | 18 May 2017

18 May 2017 | 14.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT Que hipótese tem um imigrante recém-chegado de entender as regras, os direitos e os deveres de uma sociedade quando não fala a sua língua? A Convenção Europeia dos Direitos do Homem, entre outros textos internacionais, afirma que a pessoa que não fale a língua nacional deve poder...
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Conference “A Western Perspective of some Feng Shui Millenary Principles”, Isabel Pinto (CEI – ISCAP) | 18 May 2017

18 May 2017 | 14.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT Presume-se que tenham mais de 3500 anos as bases em que se fundamenta uma corrente de pensamento analítico de origem chinesa designada por Feng Shui. Os seus princípios foram aprofundados ao longo do tempo, tendo adquirido uma abrangência capaz de interligar todos os aspetos da vida do...
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Masterclass – Masters in TIE and ISB “Case study research in theory and in practice”, Sylwia Męcfal (University of Lodz, Poland) | 26 April 2017

26 April 2017 | 18.30 | Room 022, ISCAP ABSTRACT During the session we will discuss a variety of issues connected to case study research in social sciences. We will move from definitions of case study research through issues concerning designing your study, collecting the data, and analytical tools to my research experiences and writing...
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Forum CEI Young Researchers 2017 | April 20th 2017

April 20th 2017 | 14.00 | ISCAP Forum “CEI Young Researchers” 2017(Bolseiros de investigação CEI – IPP/Santander Totta 2016-2017) “À descoberta da cultura japonesa: Princípios e etiquetas do mundo empresarial”,Catarina Monteiro A compreensão cultural é fundamental para um desenvolvimento internacional de sucesso de qualquer tipo de negócio, sendo por isto importante os empresários com objectivos...
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Conference “Fostering Socio-Cultural Competence in English and Spanish for Professional Purposes”, Francisco Miguel Ivorra Pérez (University of Valencia) | 6 April 2017

6 April 2017 | 15.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT Over the last fifteen years the Council of Europe has put great emphasis on the significance of ‘interculturality’ in language learning and insisted that users of a second/foreign language must be able to correlate their native culture with that of the new one to become multilingual speakers....
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Workshop “Symbolic tale and Roleplay in Cross Cultural Dialogue”, Shai Shwartz | 30 March 2017

30 March 2017 | 15.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT In this workshop, I propose to demonstrate the approach I have been developing through the years in facilitating inter-cultural group dialogue for social change and the bridging of diversity using traditional storytelling and role playing. Rational: In this digital age of electronic media, we at times find...
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