6 April 2017 | 15.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT Over the last fifteen years the Council of Europe has put great emphasis on the significance of ‘interculturality’ in language learning and insisted that users of a second/foreign language must be able to correlate their native culture with that of the new one to become multilingual speakers....Read More
30 March 2017 | 15.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT In this workshop, I propose to demonstrate the approach I have been developing through the years in facilitating inter-cultural group dialogue for social change and the bridging of diversity using traditional storytelling and role playing. Rational: In this digital age of electronic media, we at times find...Read More
30 March 2017 | 18.00 | Room 216, ISCAP Carla Martingo, Técnica Superior do Alto Comissariado para as Migrações (ACM, I.P.) no Núcleo para o Diálogo Intercultural (NDI). Licenciada em História e com Mestrado em Relações Interculturais, trabalha a área da diversidade e interculturalidade em contexto laboral e escolar, a mediação intercultural e outras temáticas...Read More
27 March 2017 | 17.00 | Library, ISCAP Presentación xeral da Universidade e máis detallada do programa de doutoramento: estrutura, contidos, actividades se seminarios formativos, metodoloxías de traballo, o concepto de paratradución, as nosas publicacións audiovisuais e en papel, etc. Apresentação GalleryRead More
Masterclass – Master’s in Specialized Translation and Interpreting 27 March 2017 | 18.30 | Lab. 3, ISCAP Masterclass – Master in Intercultural Studies for Business31 March 2017 | 18.30 | Room 005, ISCAP “Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) in English for Professional Purposes (applied to written texts)” ABSTRACT This worshop aims at offering Portuguese students of Higher Education...Read More
Module of Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries – Master in ISB Prof. Álvaro Barbosa(USJ, Macau) 23 March de 2017 | 18.00-21.00 | Room 216 24 March de 2017 | 18.00-21.00 | Room 005 PhotosRead More
10 March 2017 | 15.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT Tendo por base o conceito-chave de pragmática, vinculado ao estudo das relações entre as formas linguísticas e os seus utilizadores, esta conferência visa salientar as interacções que se estabelecem entre pressupostos subjacentes a noções de interculturalidade, identidade e globalização. Para tal, recorre-se a casos que ilustram práticas...Read More
21 February 2017 | 15.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT Following my last book published in German (“Theorien des Fremden”, Francke 2016), the lecture discuss translation as an example of the paradoxical relation between the ‘own’ and the other culture. In my view, alterity (or otherness) has at least three aspects: the double (the other), the unknown...Read More
17 February 2017 | 15.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT A lo largo de la conferencia, se señalarán las trazas y logros principales de la compañía de Jesús, durante el denominado “Siglo Ibérico de Japón” en dicho país, haciendo referencia también al subcontinente indio y a China. Bionote Fernando Cid Lucas (Cáceres, 1979) Profesor de Español para Extranjeros...Read More