

Presentation of the Masters in Languages and Intercultural Management, by students of Université d’Artois, Arras (DD with MISB) & Masterclass “International Trade”, Patryk Courtis (Université d’Artois) | 15 March 2019

15 March 2019 | 18.30 | Class of “Culture and Development II”, Room 005, ISCAP Presentation of the Masters in Languages and Intercultural Management, by students of Université d’Artois, Arras (DD with MISB) A group of our students of Université d’Artois, Arras, will make an oral presentation on a practical international business case about a...
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Masterclass MA in Intercultural Studies for Business: “The teaching of reading and writing”, Lidia Mañoso Pacheco (Universidad Nebrija, Madrid) | 20 February 2019

20 February 2019 | 18.30 | Class of “English Culture for Business II”, Room 003, ISCAP Masterclass MA ISB “The teaching of reading and writing”Lidia Mañoso Pacheco (Universidad Nebrija, Madrid) ABSTRACT Written skills development, namely reading and writing, is an essential component of language acquisition. As regards mother tongue instruction, a few cases of functional...
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Workshop “Interdisciplinary approaches to slow travel and literature in Northern Portugal” Organised by: CEI, ISCAP-P.PORTO; IELT & IHC, FCSH-U.NOVA | 7 February 2019

7 February 2019 | Library’s informal reading room, ISCAP Workshop “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Slow Travel and Literature in Northern Portugal” Organised by: CEI, ISCAP-P.PORTO + IELT e IHC, FCSH-U.NOVA PROGRAMA Abertura 14.00 – Daniel Alves (IHC, FCSH-U.NOVA), “O uso da aplicação Atlas das Paisagens Literárias como recurso turístico”. 14.20 – Clara Sarmento (CEI, ISCAP-P.PORTO), “Hans Christian...
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28 November 2018 | 14.00 | ISCAP Library PROGRAM 14.00 – “O Direito à cidade e arte urbana enquanto manifestação de um direito à utilização e apropriação do espaço público”, Patrícia Guimarães & Yanko Xavier (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brasil). 15.00 – “Isto é street art?”, António Oliveira (Centro de Estudos...
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Masterclass “Intercultural Business Experience in China, India, Germany and the US”, Engº José Luis Godinho Gomes (Sodecia´s Capex Purchasing Director) | 22 November 2018

22 November 2018 | 18:30 | Class of “Cultura e Desenvolvimento I”, Room LAB1, ISCAP ABSTRACT In this Masterclass José Godinho will share his professional and personal experiences of doing business in countries such as the US, Germany, China, and India, where the business and cultural environment is diverse and challenging. He will share his...
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Workshop MA Intercultural Studies for Business “Using Google Arts&Culture Platform”, Hugo Costa (final-year student) | 26 October 2018

26 October 2018 | Lessons of French, Spanish, German Culture III (MA in Intercultural Studies for Business) Workshop MA Intercultural Studies for Business “Utilização da plataforma Google Arts&Culture” [“Using Google Arts&Culture Platform”], Hugo Costa (final-year student). Photo & Testimonial
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Presentation of the project “Atlas das Paisagens Literárias de Portugal Continental” [“Atlas of Portuguese Literary Landscapes”] (FCSH-U.NOVA) & Working Meeting | 11 October 2018

11 October 2018 | 14.00 | ISCAP Library Apresentação do projecto Atlas das Paisagens Literárias de Portugal Continental (FCSH-U.NOVA) & Reunião de Trabalho Natália Constâncio (IELT, FCSH-U.NOVA) e Daniel Alves (IHC, FCSH-U.NOVA) ABSTRACT O projecto Atlas das Paisagens Literárias nasceu em 2010, no IELT-FCSH, concebido e coordenado por Ana Isabel Queiroz. É actualmente coordenado por...
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Conference “Recent Images of North Korea in South Korean Popular Culture”, Stephen Epstein (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) | 15 June 2018

15 June 2018 | 14:30 | ISCAP Library ABSTRACT In recent years, South Korea has experienced significant changes in popular discourse about the North. Until the advent of the so-called “Sunshine Policy”, Southern portraits of North Koreans had been largely monochromatic, treating counterparts across the 38th Parallel as evil Communists or brainwashed automatons. From the...
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Masterclass “Comparative Issues in Translation of Korean and Indonesian Fiction”, Stephen Epstein (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) | 14 June 2018

14 June 2018 | 18:30-20:00 | Lab. 4, ISCAP ABSTRACT Theorists of translation often focus on translation between European languages, but what issues arise when one translates between languages from radically different linguistic and cultural contexts? In this talk, Associate Professor Stephen Epstein of the Victoria University of Wellington will draw on several decades of...
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Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) Symposium “Crossed Insights into Brexit” | 17 May 2018

17 May 2018 | Great auditorium, ISCAP-P.PORTO Simpósio do Centro de Estudos Interculturais (CEI)“Olhares cruzados sobre o Brexit” Program 8.30: Abertura dos trabalhosPainel I – A perspectiva do Direito8.40: “Brexit e a livre circulação de pessoas”Sofia Oliveira PaisEscola de Direito do Porto da Universidade Católica Portuguesa9.00: “Brexit and its consequences. Can Brexit deprive people from...
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