

Conference “Translation as an agency of cultural ‘otherness'”, Wolfgang Müller-Funk (Universidade de Viena) | 21 February 2017

21 February 2017 | 15.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT Following my last book published in German (“Theorien des Fremden”, Francke 2016), the lecture discuss translation as an example of the paradoxical relation between the ‘own’ and the other culture. In my view, alterity (or otherness) has at least three aspects: the double (the other), the unknown...
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Conference “La compañía de Jesús como puente entre dos mundos: logros y derrotas en Extremo Oriente”, Fernando Cid Lucas Asociación Española de Orientalistas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) | 17 February 2017

17 February 2017 | 15.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT A lo largo de la conferencia, se señalarán las trazas y logros principales de la compañía de Jesús, durante el denominado “Siglo Ibérico de Japón” en dicho país, haciendo referencia también al subcontinente indio y a China. Bionote Fernando Cid Lucas (Cáceres, 1979) Profesor de Español para Extranjeros...
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International Conference “Intercultural Communication: Past and Present” | 13 January 2017

INTERNACIONAL CONFERENCE“Intercultural Communication: Past and Present”Coord. CEI e Maria de Deus Manso (Univ. Évora) 13 January 2017 | 11.00 – 17.00 | ISCAP Program | Gallery Programa Sessão de Abertura11.00 – Viagens quinhentistas: interculturalidade, representações e sobrevivências – Maria de Deus Manso (CICP – Universidade de Évora)11.30 – Uma História de Estórias: Contributo para a História...
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Conference “Multiculturalism Via a Video Game: Mass Effect”, David Callahan (Universidade de Aveiro) | 24 November 2016

24 November 2016 | 14.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT At first sight, Bioware’s critically and commercially successful role playing game series, Mass Effect, takes its place as one more Canadian text supporting multicultural respect. Like many space operas in which different species (called “races”) are encountered and cooperated with or opposed, there is constant questioning of...
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Conference “Between Art and Devotion: The Contribution of Soror Antónia Baptista”, Carla Avelino (CEI – ISCAP) | 24 November 2016

24 November 2016 | 14.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT Soror Antónia Baptista dedica os últimos anos da sua vida a coligir a história da fundação do seu convento, alicerçada nas vidas das suas mais ilustres representantes que a autora propõe como modelos de perfeição religiosa.Deixa manuscrito o Livro da Fundação do Convento da Esperança de Vila...
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Conference “The Humanity of Agostinho da Silva”, Adelina Andrez (CEI, ISCAP) | 24 November 2016

24 November 2016 | 14.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT Esta comunicação que tem por título “A Humanidade de Agostinho: um Presente que Passado e Futuro oferecem para desfrutar”, apresenta a nossa perspetiva/leitura do que Agostinho da Silva considera ser a Humanidade. Percorre-se o Tempo – desde um Passado até um Futuro – para dar conta da...
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Visiting Translator of European Comission – Master in Specialized Translation and Interpreting, ISCAP | 23 & 24 November 2016

23 & 24 November 2016 | 18.30 | Lab. 1, ISCAP Visiting Translator Scheme 2016 Master in Specialized Translation and Interpreting, ISCAP The Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission selected the Master in Specialized Translation and Interpreting of ISCAP-IPP for the Visiting Translator Scheme Program 2016.Of the 37 approved projects, the Master in Specialized Translation...
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Open Seminar of the Masters in Intercultural Studies For Business, Abdelilah Suisse (Universidade de Aveiro) | 9 & 30 November 2016

“Introduction to the political-economic relations between Portugal and the Maghreb countries”9 November 2016 | 18.00 | Room 223-2, ISCAP & “The political-economic relations between Portugal and Morocco”30 November 2016 | 18.00 |Room 123-2, ISCAP Abdelilah Suisse(University of Aveiro)
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Conference “La Europa cosmopolita después de las fronteras. A propósito de Galicia y el norte de Portugal.” Xaquín Rodríguez Campos (University of Santiago de Compostela) | 28 October 2016

28 October 2016 | 15.00 | ISCAP ABSTRACT Las fronteras nacionales entre los estados europeos han pasado a ser ya límites del pasado. Entre ellas ha emergido la transnacionalidad de las comunidades fronterizas, desapareciendo aquellas actividades económicas marginales que las caracterizaron en tiempos pasados. El libre mercado ha roto casi todos los límites del pasado....
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