

MA in Intercultural Studies for Business SHARK TANK

The classes of Entrepreneurship in Culture of May 21st and 28th, 18:30, will host a Pitch session with the (virtual) presence of a jury composed by: Sérgio Rodrigues, President of Invicta Angels Afonso Babo, Partner of Core Angels Impact Rui Branquinho, Partner of Inter-Risco Slava Baranovskiy, Founder of Eligent Club for startup founders, London. Students...
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Call for Chapters | Intercultural Studies for Business: Concepts and Dialogues across Shifting Spaces

The Centre for Intercultural Studies is pulling together an Edited Collection called Intercultural Studies for Business: Concepts and Dialogues across Shifting Spaces and we would like to invite you to consider submitting one or more chapters. This edited volume explores how the promotion, marketing and branding of culture led to the development of economic strategies,...
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INTERNATIONAL DAY OF MONUMENTS AND PLACES 2020 | Shared Heritage: Shared Cultures, Shared Heritage, Shared responsibilities | April 17th 2020, 10.00, CEI’s YouTube Channel

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF MONUMENTS AND PLACES 2020 Shared Heritage: Shared Cultures, Shared Heritage, Shared responsibilities  April 17th 2020 | CEI’s YouTube Channel PROGRAM Abertura 10.00 – Clara Sarmento (CEI, ISCAP-P.PORTO) – O projeto StreetArtCEI e a responsabilidade de preservar/partilhar culturas marginais. 10.20 – Maria de Fátima Lambert (InED, Escola Superior de Educação/P. Porto) – Iconografia...
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E-REI – E-Journal of Intercultural Studies n.º 8, 2020

The 8th edition of E-REI – E-Journal of Intercultural Studies (ISSN 2182-6439) of the Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI, ISCAP-P.PORTO) has just been published. You can access it HERE. Enjoy your reading!
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POSTPONED TO 2021 | CALL FOR PAPERS OPEN | E&M 2020 – International Conference on Education and Migrations

E&M 2020INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND MIGRATIONSCentre for Intercultural Studies – ISCAP, P.PORTO02-03 | 07 | 2020 The Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) of ISCAP-Polytechnic of Porto announces the E&M2020 International Conference on EDUCATION AND MIGRATIONS, to be held between July 2nd and 3rd 2020, at ISCAP-P.PORTO. Guest-speakers:Vasco Malta, Ministério da Administração Interna; Cristina Flores,...
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CEI at the “Workshop STREET ART”, CIJE-FDUP, January 28th 2020

CEI at the “Workshop STREET ART”, CIJE-FDUP, January 28th 2020, 14:30 António Oliveira “Street Art in Museums” & Luísa Silva “The Project StreetArtCEI“. Gallery
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CEI at the project “The Right to the City – Street Art & Law”

The research project “The right to the city – Street Art & law” aims to discuss the legal regime of graffiti and “street art”, from the point of view of Portuguese law and, to a lesser extent, the Brazilian law, without removing the need to study other foreign orders. The main group of researchers is composed of...
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New Book by CEI: “Intercultural Routes across Multicultural Spaces: From Theory to Dialogue”, Coord. Clara Sarmento, with Manon Quincé.

CEI announces the launching of its new e-Book Intercultural Routes across Multicultural Spaces: From Theory to Dialogue, coord. Clara Sarmento, with Manon Quincé. 268 pp. Porto: CEI, 2020. ISBN 978-989-97851-5-1. This e-Book compiles a selection of papers presented at ICIM 19 – International Conference on Interculturalism and Multiculturalism, organized by CEI in March 2019 and it...
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CEI’s project TSDIA EnDent “Transversal Skills in Dentistry: Content and Language Integrated Learning” awarded the quality award “Wings 2019” / “Spārni 2019”

CEI’s Erasmus+ K2 Strategic Partnerships project “TSDIA EnDent – Transversal Skills in Dentistry: Content and Language Integrated Learning” [2015-1-LV01-KA203-013401], 2015-2017, was awarded the quality prize “Wings 2019/Spārni 2019” in the category Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education, by the State Development Education Agency of Latvia. More information (in Latvian) in: Photo gallery of the award ceremony...
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CEI invited to Strategic Planning & Proposal Building Workshop “Scoping the Horizon” | Brussels, 12-13 December 2019

CEI convidado na Strategic Planning & Proposal Building Workshop “Scoping the Horizon” Brussels, 12-13 December 2019. Gallery
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