

Rafaela, Intern at the Centre for Intercultural Studies in the Editorial Team of E-REI nº12

Rafaela, from Paços de Ferreira, with a good disposition and a sense of humour, is about to finish her degree in Translation and Business Advisory at ISCAP and intends to continue her career as a translator. At CEI, she demonstrates rigour in her method and organisation, with the translation of documents relating to scientific projects...
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ISIT-Paris finalists translate and adapt “Guide for Families” from the Erasmus+ KA201 “ENDING” project

Following the collaboration between the Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) and the Master’s Degree in Intercultural Studies for Business at ISCAP-P.PORTO and ISIT Paris – Institute of Intercultural Management and Communication, Grande École founded in 1957, finalists Dexter Dolitsky, Marjorie Cailliez, Illina Espada, Ilane Mancinelli carried out the translation and intercultural adaptation into French of...
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Bruna, Intern at the Centre for Intercultural Studies in the Editorial Team of E-REI nº12

Bruna is a final year student in Translation and Business Advisory at ISCAP and during her internship she brought all her good humour and enthusiasm to the CEI. Calm, prudent and organised, she knows how to command respect when handling, editing and proofreading E.REI – E.Revista de Estudos Interculturais nº12. As a determined professional, we...
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Mariana, Intern at the Centre for Intercultural Studies in the Editorial Team of E-REI nº12

Born in Gondomar and about to finish her degree in Translation Business Advisory at ISCAP, Mariana has brought a special sparkle and joy to CEI. In her internship, she is the proofreader and editor of E.REI – E.Revista de Estudos Interculturais no. 12, demonstrating all her skill and dedication. While she is still exploring the...
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Diogo, intern at the StreetartCEI Project

Diogo is 21 and from Valongo. He is finishing his degree in International Business, and came to CEI to manage the social networks of the StreetArtCEI Project. During his internship, he has demonstrated an impressive range of technological skills, from image editing and creation to website development.
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Inês Nunes, internship in the organisation of the 3rd edition of the RNEC Congress

At 20 years old and full of energy, Inês is in the second year of her degree in Creativity and Business Innovation. Having come from Ovar to do an internship at the Centre for Intercultural Studies at ISCAP, she left her mark on the team organising the 3rd edition of the RNEC Congress – National...
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Marco Furtado invited speaker by the TH Aschaffenburg

Marco Furtado has been invited by the TH Aschaffenburg – University of Applied Sciences, Germany, to give a lecture on “Rethinking Multilingualism and Teamwork”, as part of the Perspectives of Global Citizenship course (Faculty of Business and Law & Faculty of Engineering). and Law & Faculty of Engineering). The lecture will take place on 6...
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Neto, internship in the organizing team of the 3rd RNEC Congress

At 19 years old and still in their second year of the degree in Creativity and Business Innovation, M. Neto brings a dynamic spirit and contagious energy straight from Matosinhos to CEI. Their internship consists of organising the 3rd edition of the RNEC Congress – National Network in Cultural Studies, to which they contributes with...
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CEI Researchers at the International Incubator Challenge Kickoff

Last Monday, 22 April, CEI researchers Ana Margarida Silva and Inês Pires attended the International Incubator Challenge Kickoff at the Polytechnic Institute of Management and Technology (ISLA) to collaborate with students and entrepreneurs from the Avans University of Applied Science in the Netherlands in a moment of networking and idea-sharing, to create new businesses generated...
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CEI Researcher attends General Assembly of the COST Action MARGISTAR

Ana Margarida Silva, a researcher at CEI, attended the general assembly of the COST Action MARGISTAR – A European forum for revitalisation of marginalised mountain areas (CA21125), at DCU Business School in Dublin, Ireland. This event allowed for collaborative reflection on interrelationships in mountain regions, identifying a series of natural, environmental, social, economic and political...
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