

CEI & MA in Intercultural Studies for Business sign partnership with the Google Cultural Institute & Projecto Google Arts&Culture

O Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, através do seu Centro de Estudos Interculturais e do Mestrado em Intercultural Studies for Business – MISB – acabam de assinar um contrato de parceria com o Google Cultural Institute. O Google Cultural Institute é uma iniciativa da Google que tem por missão “tornar acessível o...
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CEI congratulates Isabelle Tulekian, CEI researcher, for the PhD in Language Sciences

CEI congratulates Professor Isabelle Tulekian for the PhD in Language Sciences at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto with the dissertation “Mediadores ou Intérpretes: A importância da formação linguística dos mediadores interculturais nos serviços públicos em Portugal” [“Mediators or Interpreters: The Importance of Language Training for Intercultural Mediators in Public...
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CEI at the “8th Iberian Conference of Entrepreneurship CIEM 2018” & the II International Conference “Entrepreneurship at the Universities”, Salamanca

CEI at the 8th Iberian Conference of Entrepreneurship CIEM 2018 & the II International Conference “Emprendimiento en las Universidades” [“Entrepreneurship at the Universities”], Salamanca, 15-16 November 2018. Program | Website
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CEI at the “Relational Forms IV – Literature and the Arts since the 1960s: Protest, Identity and the Imagination” Conference

CEI at the “Relational Forms IV – Literature and the Arts since the 1960s: Protest, Identity and the Imagination” Conference with the paper “When a Brand Replaces the Street Artist: Coruja’s unacceptable commodification” – Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, 15-17 November 2018. More information
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CEI at the “2019 SOCIETIES BROKERAGE”, Warsaw

CEI participates at the 2019 SOCIETIES BROKERAGE, Warsaw, 08|11|2018 – Contacting new partners for our projects. Gallery | Website
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CEI & StreetArtCEI at ISCULTURAP, with the AE – Artist Inês Fernandes and Luísa Silva from StreetArtCEI.
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The 2nd year students of the MA Intercultural Studies for Business visit the Santo Tirso International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture

The 2nd year students of the MA Intercultural Studies for Business visit the Santo Tirso International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture, under the partnership between MISB, MIEC, and Google Arts & Culture, 16 October 2018. Website | Gallery
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Network of Higher Education Institutions for the Protection of the Mediterranean Diet

With the contribution of CEI, P.PORTO joins the Network of Higher Education Institutions for the Protection of the Mediterranean Diet. Complete article here.
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New Staff @ CEI

Gisela Hasparyk Miranda & Katarzyna Bujalska
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