

Project StreetArtCEI at P.PORTO news

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Project StreetArtCEI at ISCAP news

Click here to read the full article on the ISCAP webpage
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2017 | Papers in national and international conferences

CEI represented at The International Conference Hans Christian Andersenin Portugal, Sintra, 8-10 March 2017. Program. Photos. CEI Junior researcher presents a communication in a Seminar of Local History.  CEI researcher Sara Cerqueira Pascoal guest-speaker at the conference ‘Hans Christian Andersen and Community’, in Odense, Denmark.  Sara Cerqueira Pascoal guest-speaker at the I International Seminar“Narrativas del Paisaje (Leer y escribir […]
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CEI – Dalila Lopes Award 2017

Winner of the 6th Edition of the CEI Award – Dalila Lopes, 2017 : Maria Inês Félix Ribeiro, with the dissertation A Terminologia do Combate na Tradução em The Professor in the Cage, de Jonathan Gottschall Delivery of the CEI – Dalila Lopes Award, 23/11/2017 7 Gallery Regulation
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Conference “Macau Handover”, Book presentation “Paredenses na Grande Guerra” & Presentations on the Project “TheRoute” | 16 November 2017

16 November 2017 | 14.00 | ISCAP Library Handover de Macau, Paredenses na Grande Guerra & Projecto TheRoute Coord. CEI – ISCAP/P.PORTO Programa Conferência “Disrupturas e (des)Continuidades no Pós-Guerra em Macau: A caminho do handover de 1999”, Vitor Gomes Teixeira (CEI, Univ. Católica Portuguesa e University of Saint Joseph, Macau). Apresentação do livro Paredenses na...
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Ivo Rafael Silva, CEI junior researcher, publishes “Paredenses na Grande Guerra 1914-1918”

Ivo Rafael Silva, CEI junior researcher, publishes Paredenses na Grande Guerra 1914-1918 (CEI and Câmara Municipal de Paredes, 2017). Read more here.
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Forum CEI Young Researchers 2017 | April 20th 2017

April 20th 2017 | 14.00 | ISCAP Forum “CEI Young Researchers” 2017(Bolseiros de investigação CEI – IPP/Santander Totta 2016-2017) “À descoberta da cultura japonesa: Princípios e etiquetas do mundo empresarial”,Catarina Monteiro A compreensão cultural é fundamental para um desenvolvimento internacional de sucesso de qualquer tipo de negócio, sendo por isto importante os empresários com objectivos...
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Presentation session of the PhD in Translation and Paratranslation of the University of Vigo to the Masters in TIE and ISB, Prof. Alberto Lugris | 27 March 2017

27 March 2017 | 17.00 | Library, ISCAP Presentación xeral da Universidade e máis detallada do programa de doutoramento: estrutura, contidos, actividades se seminarios formativos, metodoloxías de traballo, o concepto de paratradución, as nosas publicacións audiovisuais e en papel, etc. Apresentação Gallery
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10 years of CEI at P.PORTO Newspaper & Project “Lugar Comum” [“Common Place”] of P.PORTO

10 years of CEI at P.PORTO Newspaper – “CEI: A Journey to the Dawn of Culture” & Project “Lugar Comum” [“Common Place”] of P.PORTO
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CEI mediates the establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ISCAP-P.PORTO and the FIC-USJ

CEI mediates the establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ISCAP-P.PORTO and the Faculty of Creative Industries of the University of Saint Joseph, Macao (03|01|2017). Reas More | Photos
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