

CEI Award 2012 Conference & Forum of CEI’s Young Researchers | March 22nd 2013

March 22nd 2013 | 16.00 | ISCAP CONFERÊNCİA DO PRÉMİO CEI 2012 “Edição, Tradução e Análise do Livro In Permanet Transit:  Discourses and Maps of the Intercultural Experience”, Sara Brusaca A comunicação consistirá numa apresentação sobre o relatório de projeto intitulado “Edição, Tradução e Análise do Livro In Permanet Transit: Discourses and Maps of the Intercultural...
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CEI Award 2012

Winner of the 2012 Edition: Sara Isabel Faria Brusaca, with the dissertation Edição, Tradução e Análise do Livro ‘In Permanent Transit: Discourses and Maps of the Intercultural Experience’ Regulation
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CEI Award 2011 Conference | 24 February 2012

24 February 2012 | 16.00 | ISCAP Translation and Portuguese Historiography: Pre- and paratranslation of ‘Narrative of the Expedition to Portugal in 1832’Ivo Silva ABSTRACT As narrativas de viagem feitas por estrangeiros sobre Portugal, particularmente as de cariz bélico ou militar, possibilitam e são o mote para o estabelecimento de uma proveitosa relação interdisciplinar entre...
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2011 | Papers in national and international conferences

Conference Coimbra: Novas Rotas, Outras Traje(c)tórias, Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES), University of Coimbra, Faculty of Economics, 1-2 April 2011. International Conference Portugal e o Sueste Asiático: 500 Anos, Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, 4-5 May 2011. Conference International Forum on English Language Teaching V, Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto (FLUP), 17 and 18 October 2011.
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CEI Award 2011

Winners of the CEI Award 2011: Ivo Rafael Gomes da Silva, with the dissertation Contributos da Tradução para a Historiografia Portuguesa: Reflexões pré e para-tradutivas em torno da ‘Narrativa da Expedição a Portugal em 1832’ & Laura Tallone, with the dissertation Da leitura à escrita – O processo de tradução de ‘Nota al pie’, de...
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Scholarship for Integration in Research and Development, 2011

5 Junior Research Grants at CEI. CEI researchers – IPP/Santander Totta scholarships 2011/12: Jorge SequeiraNuno AndradeRui AraújoSílvia MackSílvia Sousa
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2010 | Papers in national and international conferences

Conference “The social stock exchange as a way of promoting the social responsibility of business companies”, National Forum of Business Companies, entrepreneurs and social responsibility, Lisbon, 4 – 5 February 2010. Conference “Strategies for Learning Vocabulary”, XX Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Teachers of English, ISCAP, 26 – 27 February 2010. Conference Entrepreneurs: Reflection...
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CEI Award 2010

Winner of the CEI Award 2010: Carla Maria Neves Guimarães da Silva, with the dissertation Traduzir poesia. Análise metodológica e contrastiva da(s) tradução(ões) de ‘Die Irren, Die Häftlinge’ de Thomas Bernhard Regulation | Gallery
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2009 | Papers in National and International Conferences

International Conference on History and Heritage – Aveiro 250 Years, Aveiro, June 2009.h Paper “The Social Responsibility of Enterprises in the Portuguese Cooperative Law” – V Iberian Conference on Cooperatives and Social Economy, org. Portuguese Network of Education for the Third Sector, CIRIEC Spain and School of Management and Technology of Santarém – July 2009....
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2008 | Papers in national and international conferences

III Annual Cycle of Conferences “Young Social Scientists” 2007-2008, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, January 2008. II Summit for the Consolidation of a Women’s Network, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, February 2008. Conference “Translation as an Intercultural Practice”, Seminar Assistance and Translation: The Knowledge of True Professionalism, Polytechnic Institute of Oporto, March 2008....
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