

CEI hosts international meeting of SciART project, 16-17 November

Facebook Gallery On 16 and 17 November, CEI, the Centre for Intercultural Studies, will host the second international meeting of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “SciArt – Promoting 21st century skills through an inclusive STEAM approach to Cultural Heritage” [2022-1-CY01-KA220-SCH-000086608], with the presence of the partners: European University of Cyprus, Foundation Anastasios G. Leventis (Cyprus), The...
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CEI at the European Conference ‘Digital transformation for educational innovation and inclusion’, Thessaloniki, Greece.

CEI – Centre for Intercultural Studies was present at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece, for the European Conference ‘Digital transformation for educational innovation and inclusion’ and final meeting of the Erasmus+ KA 3 Project “AA – Assessing newly arrived migrants’ knowledge in Science and Math using augmented teaching material” [621517-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN], on 2 and 3 November....
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CEI and LAPREC-UAB sign protocol for scientific collaboration

On October 25, CEI – Centre for Intercultural Studies signed a collaboration protocol with the Laboratori de Prospectiva i Recerca en Comunicació, Cultura i Cooperació (LAPREC), of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (LAPREC-UAB), with the aim of establishing bases for cooperation between the two research centers and promoting processes of mutual collaboration in the creation...
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CEI at the European Conference “Digital transformation for educational innovation and inclusion”

The Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) will be present at the European Conference ‘Digital transformation for educational innovation and inclusion’ which marks the closure of the Erasmus+ KA 3 project “AA – Assessing newly arrived migrants’ knowledge in Science and Math using augmented teaching material” [621517-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN], on November 2 and 3, 2023, at Aristotle University...
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Ana Margarida Silva represents Portugal in the“country profile” of CA21125 MARGISTAR.

Ana Margarida Silva, researcher at the Center for Intercultural Studies, represents Portugal in the “country profile” of the COST Action CA21125 MARGISTAR platform, through her research and doctoral projects in the area of Cultural Studies with a focus on the cultural territory of Serra da Estrela. Highlights include the publications “The Role of Creative Industries...
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CEI in the book “Other Destinations: Translating the mid-sized European City” of the COST Action 18126 Writing Urban Places

In an interdisciplinary collaboration between Translation and Intercultural Studies, CEI researchers Sandra Ribeiro, Luísa Benvinda Álvares and Clara Sarmento are participating in another publication of COST Action 18126 Writing Urban Places, this time with a literary translation of “A cidade das livrarias mortas/The City of Lifeless Bookshops”, by Francisco Duarte Mangas, representing the very noble,...
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CEI at the Community of Practice on Science and Art in Education of the European Comission

Following its participation in the Erasmus+ project “SciArt – Promoting 21st century skills through an inclusive steam approach to cultural heritage”, ISCAP-P.PORTO’s Center for Intercultural Studies (CEI) was invited to join the European Commission’s “Community of Practice on Science and Art in Education”, whose webpage you can consult here. On the webpage of the Community...
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eBooks of the ENDING Project Now Accessible at CEI’s Website

EThe Centre for Intercultural Studies announces that the open access e.books “Methodology”, “Guide for Teachers”, “Guide for Families” and “Guide for Students”, developed by the team within the scope of the Erasmus+ KA 201 project ENDING – ICT & Early School Leaving. Developing a New Methodology to Empower Children in Digital WellbeIng and Critical ThiNkinG...
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CEI visits the University of Orléans as part of the Athena – European University Alliance.

On 7 September, the director of CEI – Centre for Intercultural Studies visited the REMELICE Laboratory at the University of Orléans, partners under the Athena – European University Alliance. The REMELICE laboratory brings together researchers, teachers and students working in the fields of arts, humanities, languages and social sciences from an intercultural perspective, with a...
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StreetArt CEI Project updated with 722 images and 3 new routes (Braga, Guimarães and Bragança)

The project StreetArtCEI ( has been updated, once again, with the results of the last few months of research and fieldwork. This update brought the project a total of 722 new images and 42 new Points of Interest (POIs), distributed among the existing routes in Porto and the three new routes of Braga, Guimarães and...
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