CEI becomes a member of The Time Machine project

ISCAP-P.PORTO’s Center for Intercultural Studies (CEI) has become a member of The Time Machine project (https://www.timemachine.eu/).

TheTime Machine aims to develop the Big Data of the Past, creating a huge distributed digital information system mapping the European social, cultural and geographical evolution across times. This large-scale digitisation and computing infrastructure will enable Europe to turn its long history, as well as its multilingualism and multiculturalism, into a living social and economic resource.

The Time Machine project brings together more than 700 organisations from over 50 different countries from all over the world, including leading academic and research organisations, cultural heritage, civil society and GLAM institutions and private enterprises. They support key science and technology challenges, provide cultural, historical and geographical material and expertise, and contribute to the development of Time Machine’s structure and services.

Portugal has only 14 member institutions of The Time Machine project, with CEI being the only representative from Greater Porto, together with the Portuguese Catholic University.

See: https://www.timemachine.eu/members/

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