CEI Director at the Shift Cost Action “Memories for a Sustainable Future Lab”, in Lisbon.

Within the scope of her participation in the COST Action CA21166 Shift “Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience”, Clara Sarmento, director of CEI – Center for Intercultural Studies, participated in the “Memories for a Sustainable Future Lab”, at the NOVA University in Lisbon, on 21 June 2024, under a competitive grant covered by COST Action Shift.

In an era marked by global challenges such as climate change, social inequality, and cultural erosion, it’s crucial to draw on the wisdom of the past to navigate the complexities of the present and build a sustainable future. This “Memories for a Sustainable Future Lab” offered a platform for scholars, activists, community leaders, and practitioners to exchange ideas, share experiences, and develop practical approaches to address these pressing issues.

The Memories for a Sustainable Future Lab explored the intersection of historical heritage and the climate crisis, fostering discussions and collaborations on how history and engagement strategies within the social sciences and humanities can inspire action for transformation. This Lab integrated the “Memory for All 4th Conference Memories for Sustainability, Territories and Communities”. 

The main topics addressed were:

Memory and Heritage Preservation: Exploring the role of memory in preserving cultural heritage and fostering sustainability.

Communities identities and engagement: Analyzing how communities experience and address climate change

Activism and Social Change: Examining how activism can drive positive social, environmental, and cultural transformations.

Oral History and Engagement Strategies: Discussing the power of oral history and other engagement strategies in promoting awareness and action.

Interdisciplinary Approaches: Emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing complex challenges.

Public History: How Environmental History can be a strategic communication tool in raising awareness and promoting action.

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