CEI hosts science entrepreneurship workshop with representatives from Avans Hogeschool, as part of the BIP ‘International Incubator Challenge’

On November 26, ISCAP-P.PORTO’s Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) organised and hosted a workshop on entrepreneurship in science with representatives from Avans Hogeschool, the Netherlands, as part of the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme ‘International Incubator Challenge’, led by ISLA – Polytechnic Institute of Management and Technology.

The BIP ‘International Incubator Challenge’ aims to promote international collaboration while strengthening students’ entrepreneurial skills within a culturally diverse context. During the workshop, CEI took on the role of a start-up company in the field of science communication, providing a real entrepreneurial challenge environment for its researchers and students. The Avans Hogeschool students worked alongside the CEI team to identify creative and innovative solutions to concrete entrepreneurial problems related to the research projects under development at the Centre for Intercultural Studies.

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