CEI researcher participates in Summer School – Urban Synergies, in Berlin.

Between July 15 and 19, Ana Margarida Silva, a CEI researcher and FCT PhD scholar, took part in the Summer School – Urban synergies: Co-creating thriving connections for humans with nature, in Berlin, as part of a competitive participation grant funded by COST Action SHiFT – CA21166 “Social Sciences and Humanities for Transformation and Climate Resilience”.

This activity was organized by COST Action SHiFT – CA21166, with the aim of developing an intensive and collaborative experience between researchers from all over the world. The Summer School addressed the growing importance of adapting urban areas to climate change, focusing on restoring and regenerating relationships with nature, resources and communities themselves. Throughout the week there were various workshops and lectures, as well as fieldwork around the city of Berlin. The program involved creative and transdisciplinary approaches to current challenges and injustices, seeking to strengthen synergies in urban networks.

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