Zoom: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/81673592787?pwd=eEdJNTN0ZitycnVuV3BCQVhsbWhCQT09
Meeting ID: 816 7359 2787
Password: 141607
19:00 – 20:00
The United Kingdom and the European Union Post-Brexit – Relationship Perspectives
José Pedro Teixeira Fernandes
José Pedro Teixeira Fernandes is a university professor at ISCAP and ISCET-Higher Institute of Entrepreneurial Sciences and Tourism, as well as a researcher (IPRI-New University of Lisbon).
He has several articles published in national and international scientific journals and several books in his fields of expertize, among which we can highlight Elementos de Economia Política Internacional (Almedina, 3rd ed. 2020); O Regresso da Geopolítica: Europa, Médio Oriente e Islão (Almedina, 2017); A Europa em Crise (QuidNovi, 2012); Teorias das Relações Internacionais: da Abordagem Clássica ao Debate Pós-Positivista (Almedina, 2ª ed. 2009); A Segurança da Europa Ocidental: uma Arquitectura Euro-Atlântica Multidimensional (FCG e FCT, 2002).
He is the author of many opinion and analysis articles about international matters in the press, particularly in the Público newspaper.
20:30 – 22:00
Could Porto be considered a UNESCO’S Creative City of Literature? Strategies to develop Literary Tourism
Mariana Soares
Mariana Soares was born in Porto in 1997. She completed her degree in Foreign Languages and Cultures in 2018, in the Porto School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. In January 2021, she completed her master’s degree in Intercultural Studies for Business at the Porto Accounting and Business School, also of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto.