To face the current pandemic context, the Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) of ISCAP-P.PORTO has been investing in the expansion of the StreetArtCEI project and its spin-off Street Art Against Covid (Santander UNI-COVID19 Award), as well as in the international disclosure of the Centre’s activities.
As a result, the StreetArtCEI project has just launched the Vila Nova de Gaia Route, comprised of 3 maps (Centro, Beira-Rio, and Beira-Mar), 23 Points of Interest, and 234 new images, which can be accessed at www.streetartcei.com
In the existing StreetArtCEI routes, 223 new images have been added, with a particular focus on the Porto and Senhora da Hora Routes. The spin-off project Street Art Against Covid has received 53 new images and 15 Points of Interest.
All these news have been the result of systematization work carried out during the current confinement. Once the restrictions are lifted, field work will be widely resumed, possibly in mid-April.
We would like to remind you that the StreetArtCEI project collects photographs, categorizes, and extracts recurring patterns of graffiti and street art works in Porto and Northern Portugal, with the creation of routes that are not only for tourism, but also for enjoyment and education of the interested public. The project’s website provides all images, routes, archives, and reflective texts in open access. From Marquês to the City Centre, from Gaia to Vila do Conde, the StreetArtCEI routes invite you to find the hidden art in the nooks and crannies of the city.
On the other hand, the Street Art Against Covid project was born on April 2020 and will remain active until the end of the pandemic is declared. This project can be accessed on the StreetArtCEI website and it constitutes itself as a testimony of the works of graffiti and street art that appeared during the lockdown months in the streets of Porto, proving that the artistic and tourism potential of the city has not faded when faced with these adversities. Street Art Against Covid won the 3rd stage of the Santander UNI-COVID19 University Award, promoted as a response to the emergency caused by the current crisis, to support initiatives that have a social impact developed by the academic community in this adverse context.