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II International Conference on Intercultural Studies

ISCAP, 25 - 27 May 2011


Presentation & CFP

Conference Coordinator:

Clara Sarmento (clara.sarmento@iol.pt)


Scientific Committee:

Research team of the Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI)



Conference Announcement and Call for Papers


Following the success of the I International Conference on Intercultural Studies (http://www.iscap.ipp.pt/~cei/congresso.htm), in December 2008, when more than one hundred delegates  from all over the world gathered at the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto’s ISCAP, the Centre for Intercultural Studies (CEI) is proud to announce the II International Conference on Intercultural Studies, to be held between 25 and 27 May 2011, at ISCAP.


We welcome the submission of 20 minute paper proposals in Portuguese, English, French, German or Spanish, until 15 December 2010, to the address cei@iscap.ipp.pt. Submissions MUST contain the following information:

·         Title;

·         Thematic Section;

·         Abstract (250 words);

·         Bionote (100 words).


Paper proposals should be included in one of the following Thematic Sections:


  1. Intercultural Representations

  2. Travel Narratives by/about Women

  3. Cultural Tourism / Touring Cultures

  4. Intercultural Communication

  5. Theoretical Definitions of Culture

  6. Teachers’ and Learners’ Narratives across Cultures

  7. Representations of Portugal

  8. Comparative Law across Cultures

  9. Translation and Ideology

  10. Intercultural Strategies in the Teaching of Translation

  11. Life-Stories between East and West

  12. Narratives by Women in Times of War

  13. Everyday Lives across Cultures

  14. Representations of Gender in the Press and the Mass Media

  15. Cross-Cultural Issues in E and B-Learning

  1. Intercultural Tourism

  2. The Philosophy of the Intercultural

Papers that are accepted and actually read at the Conference may be selected and considered for national and international publication.

Delegates will receive certificates of attendance or certificates of active participation with paper.


Panel “Young Researchers”


The II International Conference on Intercultural Studies hosts a special panel for undergraduate and post-graduate students from the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto (IPP) who wish to present 20 minute individual or collective papers on one of the Conference Thematic Sections.


“Young Researchers” should submit their paper proposals in Portuguese, English, French, German or Spanish, until 15 December 2010, to the address cei@iscap.ipp.pt, with “Panel Young Researchers” at the subject. Submissions MUST contain the following information:

·         Title;

·         Thematic Section;

·         Abstract (250 words);

·         Supervising teacher and her/his contact;

·         Valid and updated certificate of registration as a student from IPP.





Registration opens: 1 January 2011

Registration closes for delegates with paper: 1 May 2011


Registration and attendance is free for the teachers and students of the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto (valid certificate is required).


1.     Once the registration has been paid, there will be no refunding whatsoever.

2.     In the case of multi-authored papers, each attending author must pay her/his own individual registration.




Early-bird fee until

31 January 2011

Registration after

31 January 2011



80 Euros


100 Euros

Teachers and Students

of the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto

(valid certificate is required)



Conference Dinner: 30 Euros
