
Street Art CEI

Rotas de Arte Urbana

O projecto StreetArtCEI cria rotas de arte urbana no Porto e norte de Portugal, acessíveis no site do projeto.

The Route

O CEI participa no projecto “TheRoute – Tourism and Heritage Routes including Ambient Intelligence with Visitants’ Profile Adaptation and Context Awareness”, SAICT/23447 (MCTES, Portugal 2020 e FCT), com parceiros das 8 escolas do P.PORTO, IPVC e Douro Azul.

Google Arts&Culture

Google Arts&Culture oferece uma exposição virtual organizada pelo CEI e Mestrado em Intercultural Studies for Business.

SCIART PROJECT – Promoting 21st century skills through an inclusive STEAM approach to Cultural Heritage

The SciArt project proposes the development of a series of activities in Cultural Heritage, connected to local and national narratives that influence the formation of a sense of identity both locally and at a European level.

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RNEC - Rede Nacional em Estudos Culturais

O CEI é membro fundador da Rede Nacional em Estudos Culturais

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Street Art Against COVID

“Street Art Against COVID” faz o levantamento e mapeamento das manifestações de Street Art que surgiram no Porto durante os meses de confinamento e pandemia.

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COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology

COST actions:
CA20105 “Slow Memory”, CA18126 “Writing Urban Places”, CA21125 “MARGISTAR” e CA21166 “SHiFT”.

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Blended Intensive Program “Research Skills Booster”

Projeto "Augmented Assessment - Assessing newly arrived migrants’ knowledge in Science and Math using augmented teaching material"

The Augmented Assessment Project aims to address the gap that exists in assessing newly arrived migrant students’ prior knowledge in the fields of Science and Mathematics, by utilising augmented reality for assessment.

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ENDING – ICT & Early School Leaving. Developing a New Methodology to Empower Children in Digital WellbeIng and Critical ThiNkinG.

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Community of Practice on Science and Art in Education

O CEI integra a “Community of Practice on Science and Art in Education” da Comissão Europeia


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Erasmus+, K2 - Strategic Partnerships

Projecto Erasmus+, K2 – Strategic Partnerships, EnDent “Transversal Skills in Dentistry”.

Prémio de Qualidade “Wings 2019″/ “Spārni 2019” na categoria Parcerias Estratégicas no Ensino Superior, pela Agência Estatal de Desenvolvimento e Educação da Letónia.

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The GenderWeb

THE GENDERWEB provides information about conferences, job offers, grants, family support, books, reviews, articles, on-line resources and activism, among many others, in the wide area of Gender Studies.

Visite o Website

Atlas das Paisagens Literárias de Portugal Continental

O CEI é parceiro no projecto “Atlas das Paisagens Literárias de Portugal Continental”, com o IELT e o IHC – FCSH, UNOVA.

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Temáticas de EConomia e Negócios na CULtura Portuguesa.

Uma base de dados online que explora a presença de temas da Economia e do Direito em produtos culturais, nomeadamente no cinema, na literatura e em séries televisivas.



Rede das IES para a Salvaguarda da Dieta Mediterrânica (RIESDM)

O CEI integra a Rede das IES para a Salvaguarda da Dieta Mediterrânica.

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RESMI – Rede de Ensino Superior para a Mediação Intercultural

O CEI representa o ISCAP na RESMI – Rede de Ensino Superior para a Mediação Intercultural

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Rede Mundial das Universidades Magalhânicas

Com o contributo do CEI, o P.PORTO integra a Rede Mundial das Universidades Magalhânicas.

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