

Winter Semester/Academic year: 1st June

Summer Semester: 1st November


Before applying, students must be nominated by the Home Institution.

The application has 4 main steps:

1. Choosing the courses you want to follow from the Exchange Programme.

2. Filling in the ISCAP Agreement online and printing it as a pdf document to be signed and uploaded in the e-application form. 

3. Preparing all required documents (see below) to be uploaded in the e-application form;

4. Filling in the e-application form.

Before starting the e-application, students must read the requirements and prepare all the necessary documents:

  • Documents to be uploaded in the e-application (all documents should be saved as JPG / PNG /PDF and properly signed before uploaded):

       – Photo;

       – ID/Passport copy;

       – Language competency proof (minimum B2);

       – Transcript of Records

       – ISCAP Learning Agreement and OLA;

       – Project Description (please check notice e., below)

       – Training Agreement (if you are applying for a traineeship)

         Please note:

           a) Only Learning Agreements filled in online will be considered. You can then send us your own model of LA, as an additional document, if required from your Home Institution.

           b) There is a limited number of vacancies per course and courses will be unavailable in the online LA as soon as the vacancies are out.

           c) If you are applying for an internship, you should upload the Training Agreement (see link above);

           d) Courses will only be offered if a minimum of 15 students is enrolled.

           f)  If students have a good command of Portuguese, they can pick courses from the regular Portuguese Programmes.  In this case, they should apply here.


Any doubts? Reach us through