Incoming Mobility

ISCAP – Porto Accounting and Business School of Porto – is very interested and active in the process of internationalisation and willing to increase the     number of exchange programs (for students, as well as for teachers and other staff) and develop intercultural experiences among its communities.

Therefore, we are always pleased to welcome international students, teachers and researchers.

So if you:

  1. want to study with us during an exchange period, you can have a look into our Exchange Programme and follow the instructions in Application.
  2. did not have any vacancy under our cooperation agreements and would still like to study with us, you can do it as a fee-paying student. Please send us an email with the list of courses you would like to study during the semester/academic year and we will inform you of the budget (price per ECTS).
  3. are an international student and would like to graduate in our of our programmes, please check here how you can apply.
  4. are a lecturer at one of our partner institutions and would like to pay us a visit, we suggest that you plan to do it during our International Week. If this timing is impossible for you, contact us and we will try to host you. Please do not forget to attach a brief bio note and the abstract of your lecture proposal.
  5. are a staff member in one of our partner institutions and would like to pay us a visit, we suggest that you plan to do it during our International Week. If this timing is impossible for you, contact us and we will try to host you. Please do not forget to attach a brief bio note and tell you exactly which training you would like to carry out.

Any other information on exchanges or study possibilities, please contact our incoming officer.

Want a Buddy for when you arrive?

COMAP will ensure all isncomign students get a buddy!
Learn more by following the link!