Keynote Speakers
Professor Hanna Musiol

Photo by Solveig Mikkelsen.
Cartographic Sensing: Architecture of Harm, Breathing Space, and the Tender Touch We Deserve
Hanna Musiol (PhD, Northeastern) is Professor of Literature at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, and a founding member of NTNU Environmental Humanities and NTNU ARTEC. Her interests include transnational American literary and cultural studies, transmedia storytelling, critical theory and pedagogy, with emphasis on migration, environmental humanities/political ecology, and human rights. She publishes frequently on literary and transmedia aesthetics and justice, and her work has appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Environment, Space, and Place, Technology of Human Rights Representation, Journal of American Studies, and Writing Beyond the State. Musiol regularly co-organizes city-scale curatorial, public humanities, and civic engagement initiatives; Narrating the City in Boston, Of Borders and Travelers, Spectral Landscapes, or, Resist as Forest. She now lives in Trondheim, where she frequently collaborates with grassroots urban storytelling initiatives such as Literature for Inclusion and Poetry without Border.Stijn Reijnders

Stories that move: Fiction, tourism & imaginative heritage
Stijn Reijnders is Professor of Cultural Heritage at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research focuses on the intersection of media, culture and tourism. Currently he leads twolarge, international research projects focusing on media tourism, funded by the Dutch Science Foundation and the European Research Council. He has published several research papers and two monographs entitled Holland op de Helling (2006) – recipient of the national NeSCoR dissertation award – and Places of the Imagination. Media, Tourism, Culture (2011). In addition, Reijnders has co-edited The Ashgate Research Companion to Fan Cultures (2014), Film Tourism in Asia (2017) and – more recently - Locating Imagination in Popular Culture: Place, Tourism and Belonging (2021).
Víctor Navarro Remesal

Video Games As Animation: Inquiring into the Ontology of Playable Images
Víctor Navarro-Remesal is a Senior lecturer at Tecnocampus, Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, and a founding member of DiGRA Spain. There he teaches History of Video Games, Cultural Industries, and Interactive Narrative and his research interests are games/play and cinema, Zen and slow gaming, Japanese games, and game preservation. He is the author of Libertad dirigida: Una gramática del análisis y diseño de videojuegos (Shangrila, 2016) and Cine Ludens: 50 diálogos entre el juego y el cine (Editorial UOC, 2019), as well as the editor of Pensar el juego. 25 caminos para los game studies (Shangrila, 2020) and Perspectives on the European Videogame (Amsterdam University Press, 2021). Currently, he’s one of the two Principal Investigators of the project Ludomythologies: Myths and ideology in contemporary video games.