(General Program) - April 6 and 7, 2017
April 6, 2017
09:00 - Reception
10:00 - Opening session
10:30 - Conference 1 - People Management: from zero sum game to everyone wins or everyone loses
Gestión de Personas: del juego suma cero al todos ganan o todos pierden - Prof. Dr. Josep María Blanch (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
11:30 - Coffee-break
12:00 - Communications: Investigation and Good Practices
- Sustainable HR Management
- Employer Branding
- Technology and HRM
- International HR Management: values ??and cultures
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Posters session 14h00/16h00 - Workshop - Emotional Intelligence in People Management - Ana Isabel Lage Ferreira
14:30 - Communications: Investigation and Good Practices
- Social Economy
- The new recruitment
- New leadership
- HR Development: Training and Learning
- Change, Climate, Culture and Innovation
16:00 - Coffee-break
16:30 - Posters session 16h30/18h30 - Workshop - Qualitative Data Analysis with webQDA in Human Resource Management - António Pedro Costa
17:00 - Book release - "Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos: Práticas Emergentes"
José Bancaleiro, Stanton Chase Managing Partner & Lecturer at HR Management and Development Master degree (ISCAP-P.Porto)
19:30 - Social dinner
April 7, 2017
09:00 - Communications: Investigation and Good Practices
- New HR Contexts: Hospitality and Tourism
- Commitments: with work and organization
- Work and Health
- Labor market: policies and industrial relations
- Human Resource Management: Trends
10:30 - Coffee-break
11:00 - Conference 2 - Transformational leadership: the role of current managers to survive in a VUCA environment
El liderazgo transformador: el role de los managers actuales para sobrevivir en un entorno VUCA - Prof. Dr. Ruben Llop (Institute for Transformational Leadership - Blue Onion)
12:00 - Communications: Investigation and Good Practices
- HRM in specific contexts
- Knowledge and talent management
- Work life balance and well-being at work
- Employability and career management
- Objective: Performance
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Posters session
14:30 - Round table - Managing People: a changing role"
Maria Antónia Torres - Board Member, Human Capital and Diversity Leader at PwC Portugal, Cabo Verde and Angola
Luís Botelho - Vice-President APG - Portuguese Association of People Management
António José Almeida - Professor, PhD, ESCE- Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal
Moderation: Viviana Meirinhos - Professor, PhD, ISCAP-Polytechnic Institute of Porto
16:00 - Closing session
17:00 / 20:00 - Workshops with Keynote Speakers
Workshop I - Institute for Transformational Leadership Model for Organizational Change
Ruben Llop
Workshop II - Criteria and Instruments for the Evaluation of Psychosocial Risks for Human Resource Managers
Josep María Blanch