General Program

27th April 2023

9:30 - Opening session

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10:00 - Opening Conference - Decent work and fair transition to a more sustainable and digital future, Ana Paula Rosa - ILO - International Labour Organization

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10:45 – Coffee break

11:15 - Presentations: Research and Best Practices 1 - see detailed program

12:45 - Lunch

14:00 - Presentations: Research and Best Practices 2 - see detailed program

15:30 - Presentations: Research and Best Practices 3 - see detailed program

At Lionesa Business Hub (zoom):

18:00 Digital HR Hub | Round table

18:45 Presentation of the new book of the collection "Human Resources Management and Development"

19:30 Social dinner


28th April 2023

9:30 - Presentations: Research and Best Practices 4 - see detailed program

11:00 - Coffee-break

11:30 - Conference - Innovation and sustainability in human resource management: contributions of intrapreneurship, José Neves, ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute

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12:15 - Tribute CiIIRH to José Neves

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12:30 - Closing session

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