Inovação e Digitalização de Processos: Vantagens da implementação de Lojas Online no Setor Automóvel


  • Beatriz Monteiro Iscap, P.Porto
  • Pedro Mendonça Silva Centro de Estudos Organizacionais e Sociais do Politécnico do Porto



Purchase Intention, Automotive Sector, E-commerce, Used Cars, Automobiles, CarPlus, Case Study, Innovation, Resistance, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Online Trust, Online Consumer Behavior, Online Purchase, Digital Store, Consumer Journey, Customer Experience, Brand Equity, Brand Experience



The automotive market emerges in this context as an object of analysis due to its specificities and because it is one of the sectors that is facing a profound digital transformation. Brands in Portugal such as Hyundai, Caetano Bavaria, Peugeot have already implemented their online stores, digitalizing the whole process of booking a car, the sales however still prevails in person, due to some reluctance and fear associated with this type of innovation and, above all, the security of this business transaction.

To make the research more relevant, CarPlus, used car retail brand, was chosen to conduct a case study. A first approach was made to the respective company about the interest and relevance of this study, which later resulted in the sharing of data regarding the online store performance, through direct access to Google Analytics and Data Studio.

The motivation for this study lies in the curiosity to understand if e-commerce is effectively a viable channel for car brands to market their vehicles, if in the long term the implementation of an online store has a positive and evident impact on the brand's online visibility, sales and marketing, and also to understand the conditioning factors that encourage portuguese consumers to purchase a car through this channel.

Having found the general research objective, the specific objectives that will guide the research and the study to be carried out can be advanced. The first step was to review the literature associated with the influence that factors such as the design and accessibility of a website have on the incentive to buy online, customer satisfaction and loyalty when buying a car, constraints on the intention to buy online, perceptions of risk associated with security and privacy of data in an online purchase, which allowed to carry out an empirical study and formulate conclusions that offer a clear and succinct approach to the subject.

It is thought that with the subsequent analysis of the data granted by the company under analysis concerning the main metrics that determine the performance of the online store will contribute to understand if the implementation of this online store had in practical and quantitative terms positive repercussions on sales and brand visibility.

This research has relevance for both academics and professionals. If from an academic perspective, the study will contribute to demystify the motivations and insecurities inherent to the intention of buying used cars online in Portugal. From a professional perspective, and after the analysis of the data collected from the CarPlus online store, it will be possible to suggest the implementation of a set of improvements that will leverage the online store performance and user experience.

Author Biography

Pedro Mendonça Silva, Centro de Estudos Organizacionais e Sociais do Politécnico do Porto

Center for Organizational and Social Studies at the Polytechnic of Porto


2022-07-16 — Updated on 2022-07-19

How to Cite

Monteiro, B., & Silva, P. M. (2022). Inovação e Digitalização de Processos: Vantagens da implementação de Lojas Online no Setor Automóvel. Research Bulletin (Cadernos De Investigação) of the Master in E-Business, 2(1).



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