Filtering as a differentiating element in e-commerce platformss

Literature review


  • Ana Francisca Pereira ISCAP
  • Rodrigues Reis CEOS.PP, ISCAP, P.PORTO
  • Luís Silva Rodrigues CEOS.PP, ISCAP, P.PORTO



Over the last few years, there has been a marked growth in the amount of information present on the internet and, consequently, on electronic platforms. Due to this, and since the amount of information available to users is increasing, it becomes difficult for the user to access the information that most interests him, thus avoiding the information that is not important to him. To combat this problem, the Recommendation Systems appear, which allow filtering the information according to its importance to the user. In Recommendation Systems there are several techniques that can be used; however, this literature review will address filtering in greater depth. This work aims to understand what benefits the use of filtering tools can bring to users and organizations in electronic platforms. For the development of this article, a literature review was used as a method to understand what the state of the art already exists on the subject and what gaps still exist. When selecting articles for the literature review, the following criteria were considered: first understand the recommendation systems in general so that later there was a greater focus on filtering and its advantages over the areas where there are already studies. In addition, another criterion was to choose more recent articles to understand how filtering and its uses have evolved.



How to Cite

Pereira, A. F., Reis, J. L., & Rodrigues, L. S. (2021). Filtering as a differentiating element in e-commerce platformss: Literature review. Research Bulletin (Cadernos De Investigação) of the Master in E-Business, 1(1).



Literature Review/State-of-the art Articles